Advice Page

Ramps & Handrails

Remap does not install ramps and handrails as these are standard aids that normal builders and tradespersons can install.

This page offers advice on who to contact for such a device.

General Advice

If you live in the county you can self-refer for an OT assessment for minor adaptations of which a small telescopic ramp may be appropriate if struggling to safely negotiate a step or steps or if needing to use a wheelchair.

  • Go to: www://, click on Living independently at home ...

  • Scroll down to Equipment, home adaptations and assistive technology,

  • Click on minor home adaptations and click on online self-assessment form

· If a larger adaptation or more complicated ramp is deemed necessary follow the website as above and click on major adaptation.

  • There is also provision of the Age UK Business Directory for trustworthy businesses, MyBuilder details and other information people may find useful.

· Advice is given for people who can self-fund, or who live in private properties and for people who reside in council properties.

· If you live in the city of Leicester you will need to ring your city social services department and request an assessment for ramps.

The Independent Route

Alternatively, you can employ an independent Occupational Therapist who could do this assessment and potentially advice on local suppliers and the equipment required to meet your needs. A home visit would be needed

To find an independent OT :

Some Suppliers:

We provide these links in good faith but have no recommendations to make

More Information